Monday 24 September 2018

Day 15: Cruising into the mountains

This morning I woke up at 6am, again. Yesterday was pretty late as I finished the blog at around 11pm. With no shower or onsen I felt pretty terrible. It’s the one thing I look forward to in the evening to soak myself in any hot water container. Whether it’s in a village or city, whether it’s got one hot pool or 5. But Asharo had exactly 0 onsen. I shall never visit this city again, ever...not on a bike that is. 

I got up at 6.30, checked the weather forecast and it looked like rain, again. I do not want it. But it was a few hours away at around 11. That means I should make some road as quickly as possible. My tent was packed by 7.10 and I was having breakfast at 7.30, porridge time - oh yeah. I chatted more to my new friend over breakfast. It slowly started drizzling and i was happy I was already packed up. Eventually I moved my food cooking to the covered hand washing area so I don’t get wet and that i can pack up in peace. We exchanged Facebook details with Yoshinori and then it was time to hit the road again. Half my clothes were still wet and I was really hoping for a break in terms of the weather. 

Today was 85km from mountains, over some flats and back into mountains. I mean, it’s mountainous everywhere. There was maybe 5km of straight road today that wasn’t going up or down. The rest was pretty intense again. After a few kilometres i had to pee again, very odd. And then, 30min later, again. I know what that means. I probably have a UTI or something. I changed clothes again, into my last dry cycling shirt (of 3), then put a jumper on top. But my cycling trousers were still wet(ish). It was a really battle with the cold and the wind today and I needed to keep my lower abdomen warm to not risk getting proper sick. After about 40km I had enough. I went into the next Homebase/B&Q  (home convenience store) and bought a farmers jacket. Not fully water proof but water repellent and warm. What a feeling. Thermal comfort, everywhere. I cycled happily for another 10km before hitting a big lunch place for some hot noodle soup. I looked up online what to do for UTI and read i should drink a lot, so I did. 

I was about 30 something Km from tonight’s resting place a hotel in a ski resort. I wasn’t sure what to wear now, too cold, too hot, too sweaty. I changed with the jacket on and off, helmet on and helmet off. The hills were getting steeper and the downhills faster. I’m back in the mountains. With just 20km to go I hit a small restaurant for some hot mint tea and a small potato pizza (yes, that exists, I always knew it). From here on time went quickly but the roads were getting steeper. A sign i must be close to the resort. I could already see so many mountains, to the left, in front and to the right. The one in front had ski slopes and lifts. 

Eventually I got to the resort and to the hotel. A bit posh but ok. There were 150 students arriving in 2h so I made sure I sorted my stuff out: washing 90% of all my clothes and TAKING A LONG BATH. That was much needed. Then blog from yesterday whilst snacking on dried fish (400kcal - bring it on). After that dinner. What a dinner, typical Japanese but a 4-course meal. What a treat. Then a quick work call with a journalist what I think about Oxford University wanting to support social enterprises through a new incubator. After that, blog from today...and another bath. Then very, very ready for bed. 

Im still not sure where to go tomorrow, back to Furano, it’s less of a climb but I’ve been there already or to Shimukappu. Much more of a climb on both days. I think I’m going to have to toss a coin on this one. I don’t really care which one, but one seems so much harder (Shimukappu), with total climb of 1661 height metres vs 1221 height metres (Furano). 

Coin toss 

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